
13 December 2004

Aap Naam

Smile. I just finished an afternoon shower (aaap-naam). I’ve learned first hand why in the Thai culture, when you visit someone’s home they don’t ask you “would you like a cup of coffee?” they ask, “would you like to take a bath?” Because it is much needed in this heat and feels darn good!

06 December 2004


“Choose simplicity over extravagance. Choose conversation over television. Choose to talk things out rather than stew in your anger overnight…Make your own choices in your own time and choose to stick with them.” -- Rachel Snyder

What do I choose? What makes me happy? How much RISK am I willing to take?

“How extraordinary people are, that they get themselves into such situations where they go on doing what they dislike doing, and have no obligation to do simply because it seems to be expected.” -- Margaret Drabble

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