
14 July 2005

Bell's Palsy

I have two weeks left. I want to spend every minute enjoying that time. Instead, I am back waiting in a hospital again. This time in PrachinBuri. I’m worried. My face, the smile with which I greet the world is paralyzed. I smile to put people at ease, I smile when I am nervous and don’t know what to say, I smile to communicate with Thais. Today I cannot smile. I cannot close my right eye. I can’t move my lips. I’m having trouble eating and now even drinking properly. After three days of sharp headaches on the right side of my head, the right side of my face is lifeless – no muscle control. Any half-smile attempts are hideous and I am very self-conscious around people. I relied on Pom’s explaining and I couldn’t ask the questions I have of the doctor. I have no indication of how permanent this may be. I think and think and worry about starting graduate school unable to smile.

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