
06 March 2006

Plugging Away

Everything has been the routine of school work. Organization. Most days I stick to it closely – with short breaks for food. Some days I wander to 1 hour of bad T.V. Today I feel a bit better. I pushed out a draft for an AZA newsletter. It is still lacking, but I took the first major step toward checking that off my To-Do list. I have kept on with practicing Thai an hour each day. Just plugging away, plugging away. Looking forward to this summer. Terrified for this summer – that I won’t accomplish enough – that I keep putting off true data collection. Cue the stress levels. Breathe. There is so much to learn. Is focusing on things task by task, day by day, taking things in steps or just denying facing the full problems? Keeping busy, but ignoring reality? I’m yawning. Todd’s Motto: Just Do What You Can Do. I’m glad he realizes I can only do so much (now if I could just get myself to believe that)—as long as you can look yourself in the mirror at the end of the day and know you aren’t a slacker.

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