
12 July 2006

Live and Learn and More Rain

I was hoping the last week in Bangkok would serve as a break and change of pace so I could snap myself out of it and get back to concentrating in the park. Wrong. Arrived to a mess. The student interns who also stay in our park house were gone and our kitchen was dusty, covered in cobwebs and mice droppings. Smelled horribly of rat urine. Then my bedroom. I had closed the shades so people couldn’t see my electronic equipment. A big mistake. I had mold growing—literally: white fuzzy spore-like mold on my bags and clothes and leather wallet. Mold growing on the stains on the sheets even. So disgusting. Oh, and our bathroom pipe also burst in our absence, so water was freely flowing…

Then, the next day I hitch-hiked to PakChong to buy a piece for the bathroom pipe fix it job. Returned in the back of a pickup (normal, except for the downpour of rain). Soaked to the skin. Oh, and before I boarded the bus my sandal broke and I had to throw them away and go barefoot. So, I get back and this is when you need a hot steamy shower and warm fuzzy towels. I have a cold bucket of dirty water and moldy sodden towels. I dumped my food bags in the kitchen, took off my useless water spattered glasses, ran into a spider web, saw the spider on my shoulder – a huge spider the size of my palm – and freaked. Then cried. I am out of patience.


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