
31 July 2008


I’ve been sick for over a week with a high temperature (39C), chills and sweats. Aching, sick to my stomach, headache. I finally conceded and had the sanctuary staff drive me to the local clinic. The doctor was convinced I had malaria. She drew blood not to check yes or no, but to test the TYPE of malaria for treatment. Yet, the test was negative and I was sent home with antibiotics. Good thing they are cheap here: $10 for the whole shebang.

Fieldwork has been slow this month as I was down to 1 working camera and sick.

As for the camera situation, I found a dry box, and packed with silica gel for a week some of my film cameras started tentatively working again.  We did purchase 5 new digital camera traps that I received yesterday.  This digital model also has the ability to take short video.

I have been in contact with an organization called Care for The Wild about potentially funding the purchase of additional camera traps.  I also put out an appeal in a ZooNews Digest listserv and directly contacted zoos housing dholes.  To date there has been no change in my Fulbright status, so I am still on the list of alternate candidates.

In August I will continue my camera trapping efforts and attempt to attract dholes with various “squeakers” and prey calls.

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