October field work in Khao Ang Rue Nai progressed as usual. I set up 3 cameras in the forest with weasel scent and got a strong response from domestic dogs in the area. They revisited and rolled in the lure for up to a week. This was the first time I got any indication of how long the scent lures may be sticking around as an attractant. We set up 6 box traps in the forest with the doors removed and will begin pre-baiting this week.
I met with two committee members, Drs. Peter Leimgruber and Nucharin Songsasen, in Bangkok to assess our funding situation and plan details of the domestic dog disease study. Dr. Songsasen travelled to the sanctuary this week to see the site and organize help from a local vet for trapping. The manufacturing of our GPS collars has been delayed and we are now planning to open the traps in January.
This month I completed the paperwork for UMass IACUC and Institutional Review Board for interview permissions for a domestic dog survey. I also submitted a grant proposal to the Taronga Zoo in Australia.
In November I plan to submit an NSF DDIG, continue pre-baiting the traps, and attend a Dry Forest Symposium. I will tentatively be in the U.S. for all of December.