We are photographing plenty of dholes and bears (most likely due to the hot season, abundant water in my focal area, and perhaps our baiting attempts…baiting is certainly drawing the bears which we had never previously photo trapped). We continue to bait traps even though they are not set.
Unfortunately, we lost a trap last night to elephants. The metal structure was completely crushed and the trap cannot be salvaged. I have been busy locating veterinary supplies and had some delays with confusion over which drugs the vet already had and which ones he needed. I am working with a vet from a breeding center in the province (he speaks little English, so that may be a challenge). We finally set a date to set our traps and attempt captures: March 2nd!
During the middle of March I will attend (and present my dhole research) at the Fulbright Regional Enrichment Conference for American Fulbright Scholars in Southeast Asia, held in Malaysia. But, I hope to work on trapping at every opportunity, so stay tuned…