
23 June 2010

Where are the Dholes?

We have been camera trapping in Khao Ang Rue Nai Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand for over two and a half years.  From 30 January 2008 through 20 June 2010, cameras placed at 276 locations totaled 5,794 trap nights.  (The below maps shows where we set up cameras and where we photographed dholes).  Camera trap surveys resulted in a total of 2,541 wildlife photos. Sixteen carnivore species were caught on camera.  Overall, elephants (n=722), sambar deer (n=241), and Malayan porcupine (n=238) were the most common recorded species.  We targeted camera set up in areas to consistently locate one target dhole pack with six pack members.  Our camera trapping has provided a baseline picture of population distribution, information that is critical for selecting study sties for a detailed ecological study using radio tracking.

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