30 January 2008

Did I Mention We Have Permits?

WE HAVE PERMITS to trap and radio-collars dholes at Khao Ang Rue Nai Wildlife Sanctuary!!! As my friend Jeanne put it, I should be super excited after almost a year long wait. Something to the tune of: YEAH!!! WHHOOOO WHHOOOO!!!!! ALL RIGHT!!!!! YIPEEEEE!!!!! &%@! YEAH!!!! Are you with me?? Try saying it while jumping up and down, that may help :) Now, we just have to find the critters…

To that end, Dr. Nucharin Songsasen (my consulting committee member from the Smithsonian) and I spent last week at the sanctuary. We setup 5 camera traps in areas where the staff recorded sightings of canid tracks. We met one large elephant in the forest and 9 on the road during a spotlighting trip. If the elephants don’t smash the cameras first, the film will be picked up and developed in one month. I will move to live in the sanctuary at the beginning of March.



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