11 June 2008

9=3 What?

After being in Bangkok for most of May, I finally made it back to the sanctuary 2 weeks after I originally planned. The barriers? First, the public bus wouldn't take my heavy crate full of equipment and batteries. So, I had to arrange to borrow a truck and hire a driver. This is of course a scheduling nightmare. Then, the opportunity came up to go back with workers from the sanctuary who were in Bangkok for a meeting. So, I canceled my driver. But, this is Thailand, and as always, the plans changed and fell through. Ok--rehire the driver. The trip ended up costing me over $200 when the bus would have been $5.

And, I arranged to pickup Yaai (the woman who cooks meals for me) on the way back. I was happy to be able to help her because she has been super sweet helping me get settled in my new environment. Over multiple phone conservations and change of plans, we finally got it settled. I would pick her up with my rental truck at 3pm. I was proud of myself for handling the phone conservations and not passing it off on my Smithsonian translator. Then, the morning of, Yaai called me at 9am wondering where I was. I was still sleeping and not fully clear and reiterated our 3pm meeting time. She called again 1 hour later to say she was getting a bite to eat. Ok. And I need to know this why? And then, 2 hours later, again wondering where I was. 3pm in Thai is "bpai saam mong." 9am in Thai is "saam mong." I thought I said 3pm, Yaai thought 9am. We never used the other words to clarify morning or afternoon. Oh. I felt awful. I should have clarified. I really felt awful. I wanted to do something good and helpful. And, I was angry at myself for being in Thailand so long and yet I still can't do something as basic as make phone plans!

I spent my birthday on Monday setting up cameras in the forest and caked with mud (we got the truck stuck for over an hour). Then, when I most needed a shower, my water pipe broke and I had to wait for a trip to the market for caulk.

Everyone here is hit hard by the cost of gas (now over $1.30 US per Liter) and the price of rice.



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