
15 September 2007

We're Moving

My main site for the radio-telemetry of dholes will be moved from Khao Yai National Park (KYNP) to Khao Ang Rue Nai (KARN) due to a more supportive environment in KARN.  I expect permits by the end of September for KARN.  I am still proceeding with the permit process for a carnivore monitoring project at KYNP that could include dhole research as a backup site.

I met with a Thai graduate student who showed me data collected by the Thailand Department of National Parks.  This consisted of sign surveys throughout the country for large mammals and included a country-wide distribution map for dholes.  Therefore, I will no longer be targeting my interview surveys country-wide.  Instead, I will focus on an intensive comparison between KYNP and KARN.  This should prove interesting because KARN has a more recent history of intensive logging and village residence within the sanctuary.

I received (as co-investigator) funding for $25,000 through the Association for Zoos and Aquariums.  I have recently submitted a grant proposal to WCS and am preparing one for Fulbright.

Upcoming at the end of October, I will be organizing a one day dhole workshop in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution and Kasetsart University in Thailand.

I am on my way back to Thailand on the 21st of September and plan to be there for at least a year.

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