05 November 2006


Some observations from the “Art of Living” Course: I do feel more relaxed with a clear mind – similar to feelings after a particularly good Yoga class (except that we did minimal physical exercises). Today’s big question for discussion: What are we responsible for? Answer: Anything that I become aware of that I can change. The story: A boy and his grandfather were walking along the beach at low tide. The water was out and had left thousands of starfish stranded on the dry beach. The boy implored, “Grandpa, we must save them!” But, the old man replied, “ Son, we can’t even begin to save them all – that is just the way life is. It won’t matter.” Our efforts won’t matter. And they walked along. Further down the beach the boy looked down, picked up a starfish – plop – and flung it into the surf. “It mattered to that one.” And they walked a little farther down the sand and the boy reached down, picked up a starfish – plop – and flung it into the surf. “It mattered to that one…”



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