04 April 2008

Thai Living

It is a bad sign, isn’t it? When the most appetizing thing I’ve eaten all day is my toothpaste. Yes, I’m adjusting to the all Thai meals (always rice all the time), but I do admit I sit down and instantly lose my appetite.

I’ve got a hole in my ceiling the size of my fist. It just so happens it is positioned directly in the center of my desk—-where my computer lives. The desk positioned where it is to take advantage of the room’s only electrical outlet. When you look up through the hole, the sky is visible. When it rains, the desk gets WET.

I asked the workers if there was any material to patch the hole. 

Nope—because that would require going on top of the roof and fixing the source of the problem. This is a field site in Thailand: we moved the desk, duh?! (even though now that means multiple electric cords strung through the center of my space...and a puddle on my floor...which will become a daily fixture for multiple months throughout the rainy season)



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